Private Events
Saffron 59 offers private event catering at its finest! From a cocktail party or private dinner hosted in the comfort of your home to a Bat or Bar Mitzvah in your local venue. See our dazzling tasting menus.
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411 Sterling Place
Brooklyn, NY, 11238
United States
Saffron 59 Catering is New York City's premier caterer and event planner specializing in Southeast Asian cuisine. For over 11 years, Saffron 59 has successfully orchestrated memorable affairs with attention to every detail.
Saffron 59 offers private event catering at its finest! From a cocktail party or private dinner hosted in the comfort of your home to a Bat or Bar Mitzvah in your local venue. See our dazzling tasting menus.
The luxury of our impeccable service and wonderful exotic to organic seasonal fare from the local farms to bring you a global menu from our kitchen to your dining room.
Entertain effortlessly with Saffron 59 at your side. Leave the details to us!